September 11th Is Unforgotten
Back in 2001 America was attacked by terrorists who hijacked four planes. Two of them hit the World Trade Center in New York City and the third one hit the pentagon. The fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Many innocent people lost their lives that day over hatred. This attack on the Twin Towers was led by Osama Bin Laden who was the founder of the Islamic group Al-Qaeda. This started the war in Iraq. If there was more peace in the world, terrible events like this would never happen.
I remember I was in middle school when it happened. Instead of teaching my teachers let the class watch the news. Many Americans will hold a heavy heart during this day no matter what state they live in. A person may have tried to tear this country apart, but as a nation we are strong and don’t let anything break us “united we stand.” below is a list of people who died and a video of survivors speaking out about that horrific day.